Anyone who knows me, knows I love kids. Kristina gives me a hard time sometimes when we go visit friends because I often ignore all the adults and go play with the kids. I especially love my nieces and nephews. Before moving to Germany, there was nothing I enjoyed more than visiting my brothers so that I could play with their kids. After marrying Kristina, I was so excited to instantly gain 3 (now 5) new nieces and nephews. I love this picture from last Christmas with our then newest niece. When Kristina posted this on her Facebook page, she got a lot of response asking if she was our baby.
Unfortunately, that day for us has not yet come. Nor does it appear that it will come any time soon. Although our wait has not been as long as for some, the past joyous two and a half years of marriage have been sprinkled with the disappointment of repeated unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy.
At some point as a teenager, I considered the issue of adoption, and decided that was something I would be willing to consider. I wouldn't say that I decided I wanted to adopt, but rather that I was open to the option. In our first year of marriage, after already making several attempts at pregnancy, I mentioned the possibility of adoption to Kristina. I believe she was somewhat surprised by the idea, and didn't want to consider it; she didn't want to feel like we were "giving up" on having a biological child. As LDS Family Services won't work with a couple that has been married for less than two years, we didn't discuss it further and continued fertility treatments.
In preparing to move to Rexburg, we realized we would now be living in the vicinity of an LDS Family Services office and again considered the option of adoption. This time, Kristina agreed it was time to consider this option. She called and scheduled an appointment, and last week, we met with our case worker to start down the road to adoption. As expressed before by others, our desire to become parents has become stronger than our desire to become pregnant.
We realize this is typically not a quick process, but are confident, that at the right time, the Lord will bless us with children, and we want to give Him as many options as possible to fulfill that desire. We will continue to explore all our options, to do all we can to achieve this goal.
Although we are just getting started, one thing we've heard over and over is how pro-active we have to be. And that is where you can help. We ask you to mention our desire to adopt to everyone you know. As we get our online profile setup and other outreach means established, we will share those with you as well. But for now, please let people know that you know a loving couple seeking adoption. And ask them to pass it on. Who knows whether that birth mother that finally picks us is a friend of your friend's friend. We thank you in advance for your help. We look forward to the day when we can share our love with one of God's children as He has shared it with us, and would be forever grateful for whatever part you might play in that miracle.