Monday, March 23, 2015
Fun with a toddler
Sometimes it amazes me how happy Lizzy is most of the time. She also has her times when her temper flares up, but overall she has a sunny disposition. Aaron taught her to smirk, and she uses it on us to make us laugh. It makes me laugh every time without fail. She is so cute!
On St. Patrick's Day we got really lucky: Lizzy took her first steps unaided (at 16 1/2 months), into her daddy's arms. She was holding her sandals at the time; maybe that helped her. We've been practicing every day since, but she seems to have changed her mind and has become very reluctant to continue to walk. It's back to her knees again... She certainly has a will of her own and can be very stubborn, be it about walking, eating, or speaking. Sometimes I feel she is behind in all three of these categories. She is not a good eater and gags easily on solid food, and I'm still waiting for her first word... She hasn't even said "mama" yet. That said, she is chatty enough. You just don't know what she is saying.
Lizzy enjoys playing with the broom and dust pan. I don't mind even though they are a bit dusty, but her daddy minds very much. At one point, he hid the items so far behind the fridge that I told him they were too far to reach even for me, and it's hard for a pregnant lady to get on her knees and reach far behind the fridge just to get the broom. So now Lizzy can reach them again.
In dealing with Lizzy I often think of the saying "You have to pick your battles." I know I'm more of a comfortable nature, so I decide not to do battle most of the time. That doesn't mean I let her become a tyrant. If she tries to push me out of a chair, I won't let her. Aaron will allow himself to be pushed out of his banana chair, but that's his problem. ;)
This picture is just here because Lizzy is the cutest girl ever. I like her a lot when she sleeps. :)
Monday, March 2, 2015
Unser Kleinkind
Diesen Winter ist Lizzy kaum zehn Tage am Stück gesund. Ein Schnupfen folgt dem anderen, manchmal begleitet von einer Ohrenentzündung oder verschleimten Bronchien. Im Moment bekommt sie wieder ein Antibiotikum, und es geht ihr schon wieder ziemlich gut.
Das hübsche Outfit im oberen Bild hat Oma Lucie ihr an Weihnachten geschenkt. Da Lizzy auf den Knien läuft, scheuern leider viele ihrer Hosen an den Knien durch, so auch diese. Es ist schade, aber so schlimm auch wieder nicht. Wenn Aaron von der Arbeit nach Hause kommt, dann macht er es sich zur Aufgabe mit Lizzy zu laufen. Weil das aber irgendwann keinen Spaß mehr macht, lässt sie sich hängen. Ich denke, es ist einfach eine Kopfsache. Wenn sie merkt, dass das Laufen auf den Füßen mehr Vorteile bietet, dann wird sie es einfach tun. Ich mache mir da keine Sorgen. Und sie benutzt gelegentlich ihren Hochstuhl als Gehhilfe; das ist doch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
Aaron arbeitet sehr fleißig auf seinen Continuing Faculty Status als Professor hin. Meistens geht er morgens noch bevor Lizzy und ich aufstehen und kommt dann nach fünf zurück.
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